Sunday, May 17, 2009

Final Thoughts

Things I’m going to miss about Ecuador:
1. One ecuadorian in particular…
2. My other ecuadorian ñaños: Carlos, Pablo, Dianita, Gaby…
3. Seeing the Andes mountains every day
4. 25-cent bus rides and $1 taxi rides
5. Locro
6. Having someone make my bed every day (yea…I’m spoiled)
7. Having exotic good looks
8. Fruit: Tomate de árbol, mora, chirimoya
9. Fresh juice at every meal
10. Bus callers and vendors
11. Fútbol
12. Empanadas de verde
13. Never paying more than $10 for pretty much anything
14. Cute little kids who stare at me, play peek-a-boo with me, or try to touch my hair on the bus
15. Braces when you’re 20=not a big deal
16. Traveling all the time
17. Being 20 minutes late=totally acceptable

Things I’m not going to miss about Ecuador
1. Riding the Ecovía or the Trole
2. The men who tell me I’m hermosa or call me their amor
3. Eating chicken, rice, and bananas for every meal
4. Pollution
5. Poverty
6. USFQ (sorry!)

Things I miss about the States
1. My mom
2. My family and friends
3. Food: spaghetti and meatballs, mashed potatoes, chocolate chip pancakes, hash browns, grilled cheese
4. Doing my own laundry
5. Showers with consistent water temp and pressure

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