Thursday, April 30, 2009


This past weekend, I went to Mindo with Kelsey, Amy, and Lacy. We left early Saturday morning and got to Mindo around 10. We checked into our hostal, which was basically a tree house. It was awesome!! After we grabbed some lunch, we did canopy zip lines. I was terrified, but it was really fun. After that, we went tubing, also a little scary but very fun. After we got all dried off, we got some ice cream and chilled out in the park. We wound up watching this group of children playing. They were adorable!! After that, we attempted to eat dinner at this hummingbird place with two med students (Jennifer and Justin) who were in the room next to us at the hostal, but the place was closed. So, we ate with them in town. We also ran into one of Kelsey’s friends Ben who joined us on our adventures the next day.

On Sunday, we had left to eat breakfast at the butterfly house. Along the way, we were joined by three stray dogs, which we named Buddy, Pancakes, and Loco. After a fantastic breakfast of pancakes for some and French toast for me and Justin, we went to see the butterflies, which were really cool. We saw several cocoons hatch right in front of us, and we all eventually got a butterfly or two to land on us. After the butterflies, we went to buy our bus tickets back, but the bus we wanted was full, so we wound up having to take a later bus home. After buying our tickets and grabbing some lunch and banana splits, we went in search of somewhere to swim. After a long walk with Buddy, we found a calmer part of the river. Most people swam a bit; Lacy and I just stuck our feet in and got eaten alive by the bugs. On our way back we hitched a ride in the back of a pickup truck, and Buddy ran all the way home.

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