Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Mom and Pete come to visit

This past week my mom and my brother Pete came to visit me in Ecuador. They arrived Saturday the 28th at night. I met them at the airport, we took the shuttle to their hotel together, and I took a taxi home. On Sunday, we went to the Brasil v. Ecuador fútbol game. It was crazy. We got there two and a half hours before the game started and there were no seats, so we stood the whole time; we also got rained on for part of the time. But the game was awesome!

On Monday, we attempted to go the Museo del Banco Central, but it was closed. So, Pete and Mom wound up coming to campus with me for a meeting I had for my Tiputini trip. We ate on campus, and they wandered around while I was at my meeting. After that, we went to Museo Mindalae (Ecuadorian artisan crafts) and the artisan market.
On Tuesday, we had lunch with my host family, Mom took a walk with Juli around my neighborhood, they came with me to the travel agent, and Pete and I went bowling with Deanna, Lacy, and a bunch of my Ecuadorian friends.

On Wednesday, I went to class while Mom and Pete took a tour of the city and went to Mitad del Mundo. After that, we grabbed dinner and went to the Ballet Folclórico Jacchigua. It was basically a blend of traditional dances with choreography meant to tell the story of the indigenous people of Ecuador. It was set, of course, to a live band. It was pretty much awesome.

On Thursday, the three of us went to Cotopaxi. It was super clear out, and we could see a whole bunch of volcanoes while we were driving to Cotopaxi. Pete and I climbed up to the first refuge (just shy of the snow line) and played in the snow. It was pretty sweet. When we got back to the hotel, I had to say good bye because I was leaving for Tiputini Friday morning and couldn’t come with them to the airport.

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