Saturday, March 21, 2009

Tumbaco y Guachalá

This weekend I had two field trips. First, I went to Tumbaco with my ecology class. It's just the next town over from Cumbayá, where my university is. We went to this commune type thing based on sustainability. They grow organic fruits and vegetables, raise free range chickens, make their own soap, use solar energy to heat their water, and trade among themselves and local artisans for anything else they need. It was pretty sweet. It really made me think about the way we see our resources.
Then I went to Guachalá with my program and two students from Georgetown. It's the oldest hacienda in Ecuador. It was gorgeous. It had massive gardens that made me feel like I was in "The Secret Garden." I spent some time wandering around the gardens, napping in a hammock in the green house/pool area, and riding a horse through the property. It was awesome.

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