Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Ecuator

On Sunday, I went to the equator! First, we went to Mitad del Mundo (middle of the world) where the French calculated the equator to be. They were wrong, but it was still fun. We ate an Ecuadorian fruit called guaba that grows in big green pods with cottony edible chunks inside, went inside the monument to a museum full of indegenous artifacts, and watched some traditional dancing. We ate lunch there; Kelsey and I ate cuy (guinea pig) which is traditional food in Ecuador. It came whole: head, ears, teeth, whiskers, claws, and all. It tasted like chicken. :D

After that, we went to the actual equator, as calcuated by the indegenous people of Ecuador thousands of years before the French and confirmed by US Army GPS. We went on a tour, which included a few indegenous domiciles, live cuy, a blow dart challange, native animals, shrunken heads, and demonstrations of some scientific properties of the equator. Some of these demonstrations included water going straight down the drain and balancing an egg on a nail. It was sweet!

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