Monday, January 5, 2009

Orientacion, lluvia, y celular

Today I got my first taste of typical Quiteño weather. In the morning, it was chilly--around 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Then it got hot, and then it rained. Luckily, I was already out shopping and had bought an umbrella when it started raining. More on that later...

The first order of business today was the international student orientation at the university. My host mom Meche drove me there and dropped me off, doing her best to point out the bus stops I would be using when I eventually have to get myself to school. Orientation went well. We listened to talks about safety, health, culture, and politics, and took a tour of campus, which is small but gorgeous.

When I got home, I played with Meche's grandsons and watched the Spanish (as in from Spain) version of Wheel of Fortune.

Later, I went to the mall with our maid-type lady Juli. The mall is about a twenty minute walk from the house--not a big deal. There, I bought an umbrella, some toiletrees, and a cell phone. I let Juli do most of the talking at the cell phone store, so I really don't know how the service works. From what I gather, it's basically pay as you go. By the time I left the mall, it was pouring rain, so I got to put my new umbrella to good use. When we were about halfway home, Meche called Juli to see where we were and then she came to pick us up.

After dinner, Meche and I had a very musical night. First, she insisted that I play my saxophone for her. Then, she played the accordion for me. Next, we both played the piano. Finally, she played some CD's for me of traditional Ecuadorian and Latino music, including a CD of my host dad Gonzalo's band. I had a lot of fun, and I feel as though Meche and I really connected through our mutual love of music.

Tomorrow I have to go to the migration police to register my visa and get my "Censo" (ID for foreigners), and classes start on Wednesday.

1 comment:

  1. The music connection sounds really cool. How lucky for you.
