Saturday, January 3, 2009

I made it!

I write this post from Quito!! Everything went as smoothly as could be expected. I sat next to a girl from band and one of her acquaintances on the plane. I met a girl from Crystal Lake (the town just south of McHenry) in the line for customs. It made me a lot more comfortable to be with other people going through the same experience as me.

My host mom is very nice. We had tea and snacks and chatted a bit once I got settled in. She was very pleased to hear that I'm Catholic and that I want to go to Mass with her tomorrow. She also said that I spoke Spanish very well, which put me at ease because I was quite nervous about the language barrier.

I like the house so far. It is a normal size for a city setting and I get my own room and bathroom. It is also only a block or two from a bus stop that serves many bus lines, including the one that I will take to the university. I'm very excited that I have internet access in the house, something the coordinator of the program said was rare. So, I'll be able to check my facebook frequently and I'll have access to Skype whenever I'm home.

Well, I'm off to unpack and get some rest.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Tricia! What a lucky duck you are! I'm soooo happy everything is going well for you so far. Keep it up! Haha....
    <3 CT
